Trent's first taste of lemon. I think his face says it all!
He got over being mad at the lemon and gave me a smile seconds later :)
This is something new that we've been doing with Gentry. He takes pipe cleaners and puts them in the holes of a colander. He gets so excited for this activity and it keeps him quiet and busy for about 10 min.
Trent is now 10.5 months old and he was beginning to outgrow his infant car seat so we decided it was time to move to his "big boy" car seat. He is still facing backward because he doesn't weigh enough and is also not old enough to face forward. I love how much he is cheesing in this picture. We constantly hear comments from strangers saying how amazed they are that he is always happy. I assure you, he isn't ALWAYS happy, just about 95% of the time :)